How to properly dress your tyres!

How to properly dress your tyres!

Thoroughly clean the tyre using a dedicated tyre cleaner

PRO-TIP: Use a stiff bristle brush to really deep clean the rubber

Ensure the tyre is clean and dry!

PRO-TIP: Dry off the tyre using our upcoming wheel and tyre towel!

Apply two to three drop to the carscope tyre brush

PRO-TIP: You will need to apply less and less to the tyre brush as you go around the car as the brush will soak up the excess product!

Work product around the tyre

PRO-TIP: Take your time to really work the product into the rubber, if the tyre is very dry it me require a couple more applications to really set in!

Leave to dry for 10 minutes to a satin shine or knock back with a microfibre towel for a more matt finish.

Simple and quick to apply INK will provide a durable and deep black finish.

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